
Simple file hash digests & file integrity checks

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What is hsh?

hsh is a cross-platform command line application that generates file hash digests and performs file integrity checks via file hash digest comparisons. It supports the following hash algorithms:

Examples of hsh Features

File Hash Digests

Default SHA256 Hash Digests

$ hsh somefile.txt
SHA256 (somefile.txt) :

Other Algorithms Available with Primary Command

Use a supported file hash digest algorithm as an explicit command to request a hash digest of that type:

$ hsh sha1 somefile.txt
SHA1 (somefile.txt) :

File Integrity Checks

File to File Comparison

$ hsh firstfile.txt secondfile.txt

SHA256 (firstfile.txt) :
SHA256 (secondfile.txt) :

The hash digests are identical.

File to File Hash Digest Comparison

Include any of the supported file hash digest types as an argument in your command and hsh automatically generates the appropriate hash digest for the file then compares it to your command line argument:

$ hsh firstfile.txt 0e1fb609e951c85e01f4048f01f0b51256bb3917

SHA1 (firstfile.txt) :
SHA1 (test) :

The hash digests are identical.

Hash Digest to Hash Digest Comparison

$ hsh da24f4932321286ac849f9145707f0e8 da24f4932321286ac849f9145707f0e9


The hash digests are NOT identical.
A diff indicator is displayed below the hash digests when they differ.

Learn More

A Quickstart Guide is available for those who want to get up and running immediately. The Usage Guide details the command line syntax and available commands.

The FAQ has additional information about hash digests and the interpretation of their comparisons as well as a link to more information for further reading.