octopus | the octopress commander


The edit command launches a post Markdown file in the user-defined default text editor. You define the default editor by creating the $OCEDITOR variable in your shell startup file. Commands for several common+popular text editors are built in to the application and can be used by adding an option to the command. See the option list and examples below for more details.

Use a substring in the post Markdown file name as the argument for this command. See the find command documentation for more details and examples.

The edit command is automatically run as part of the editing workflow actions that occur when you use the write command. See the write command documentation for more details.


oc edit <post filename substring>


Argument Description
post filename substring a substring in the Markdown filename


Option Description
--emacs open the emacs text editor
--lp open the LightPaper text editor
--mate open the Text Mate text editor
--mou open the Mou text editor
--sublime open the Sublime Text editor
--vim open the vim text editor


Edit a Post in the Default Editor

oc edit "substring"

Edit a Post in Emacs

oc edit --emacs "substring"

Edit a Post in LightPaper

oc edit --lp "substring"

Edit a Post in Text Mate

oc edit --mate "substring"

Edit a Post in Mou

oc edit --mou "substring"

Edit a Post in Sublime Text

oc edit --sublime "substring"

Edit a Post in Vim

oc edit --vim "substring"